Tuesday 15 May 2018

Introducing Characters

Sister (Christa): Christa is the main character. She is the victim and the innocent one all the time. She always gets pranked by her two siblings and her dad is sometimes mean to her. Her aunt is the one who is always there for her. She is always tired of the complaining and the pranking and wants a little bit of love from her family.
Brother (Yusup): He is one of the sibling that prank her all the time. He finds it funny and he is the oldest one so  he thinks that he could have anything his own way. He isn't very close to Christa byt he is close to me and that only because we work together to prank her.
Me (Ward): I am the other sibling that always loves to prank her. Me and Yusup always plan something, sometimes we get away with it sometimes we don't, our relationship is not that bad but I personally find Christa annoying that's why i always prank her. My dad is mean sometimes and my aunt tries to stop me and Yusup from ruining her life.
Aunt Rania: She is the only responsible one in our family and the only one that could control us all even our dad. She comes to our house every time. She could be nice to us all but we all know that her favourite is Christa because she is always getting picked on.
Dad (Akshansh): He is our dad. We dont always lie him. He could be very careless at times even though he is the one who decided to adopt us. He is always arguing with our Aunt and always exaggerating things and causing problems. Most of the times he is mad but other times he is bossy. It is very hard to see him be nice to us.
Aunt (Jana): She is not always around so I don;t know how she would deal with us. She sometimes doesn't know what to do because we are all complaining. She isn't very fund of us but she still does a better job than my dad when it comes to being loving.

1 comment:

  1. Character introductions: This is a very detailed response to the task and you have thought carefully about how to create dynamic and interesting character relationships. These have lots of potential for creating drama scenes in our upcoming lessons. Well done. 6/8 Criteria D
