Monday 7 May 2018


I interviewed Christa who plays my sister, I asked her these questions and responded with these answers:

- How do you feel about your brother?
I think he could be mean sometimes because he keeps pulling these mean pranks on me but sometimes I feel like he cares about me sometimes.
- Do you like your aunt?
Yes, I love her she is the only one that is always there for me and she also understands me she is like my mother and could be a lot of fun to sit with her.
- Is your dad caring?
I don't know , sometimes i guess, i mean he is really weird and does not know how to control his anger issues but he did adopt me and so I am grateful for that and he also stands up to me when my sister and/or my brother pranks me.


  1. You have used some straight forward questions here that have given you some new information and interesting answers, so I can see that you understand how and why to use 'hot-seating'. To get a higher grade you could have just have included some more detail and explanation in each of your answers to develop this background information even further.

  2. *You must use a capital letter every time you say 'I'.
