Sunday 15 October 2017

Reality TV debate

Wednesday 11th October 2017

Reality TV debate 

1) Do you think reality TV is more 'entertaining' than dramas or documentaries? Why/why not?

Yes I do think that reality TV is more interesting because this shows what really happens when people do not act and now you know how people act in real life towards other people in the show, but in my opinion i don't think that drama is the best genre there is, I prefer others more than documentaries, dramas and reality TV.

2) What moral or ethical problems might there be with a programme like Big Brother that is filming its contestants 24 hours a day? Explain.
I think that it is not the most wise idea of having the cameras following the contestants everyday 24 hours and not giving them privacy, because I do believe that people should get privacy especially when they need to go to the bathrooms. I also believe that people would want to be alone at some point if there was a problem going on which usually happens in reality TV shows. 

3) What reasons do you think some contestants might have for quitting a reality TV programme?
Some people might quit reality TV because of all the problems that there may be and for example Big Brother, some people may think that it si an invasion to their privacy. Also they don't want to get judged by the media and the people and maybe they cant handle the hate that they are getting. 

4) How 'real' is the action or coverage that we see in reality TV programmes? Explain.

As far s we can see everything looks real but sometimes they could plan things or a script behind the scenes thinking that it might entertain us. We can never fully trust the media because their could be rumours their could be lies but reality TV was meant for the truth behind everything. 

1 comment:

  1. You have demonstrated some knowledge and understanding of this genre of television with some of your answers because you have included some explanation. Your answers are quite limited however and you need to develop these with further justifications and research in order to get a higher mark. Try to describe or analyse your responses rather than just stating your opinion. 4/8 Criteria A
