Wednesday 5 October 2016

peer assessment on silent movie

Self Reflection:
We did our silent movie in the school. I was working with Riccardo, Gunce su, Omar and Adam. Considering that Riccardo was absent we still managed to get a good performance i would give riccardo an excellent mark excellent Adam i would give him a substantial mark because he did exaggerate but not as much, Gunce su i would give her also a substantial mark because i thought that she could uave more interference and bob i would give him an adequete mark, i thought he could do better.

birthday surprise
Presha, Salma , amal , Nasser and Arthur were in a group together. I think that salma was the best one because she had more exxageration so i think that she deserves a exxagerative . Nasser was also good but i think that he deserves less than salma. Zayd have filmed well. Arthur didnt have much interput so i will give him a substantial . Amals acting was good so i will give her a excellent  and presha i would give her a 5 because of her acting

strapped onto te raisl
sireen, ibi, karim and harang. I liked their movie because it had the music in the background that suits the play. Sireen was acting well but i think she could have been more struggle to she that she is in trouble. Ibi was doing well but he could have exxagerated so j will give him a 5. Harang dodnt act a lot so i will gove her an adequate mark
. Karim was very exxagerative i will give him an excellent mark

Olivers sudden rescue:
Akshash, Anishka, Faris and Magol.
there preformance was amazing i think taht maygol was the best because she had more exxageration in it i would give her an excellent mark whoch is a excellent.  Faris was also good but I thought he would et a substantial . Akshansh was good so i will give him a excellent  Anishka i would give her a substantial mark because she sidnt act a lot in it.

How to find your maiden:
Kiyara, Rania, Hyeonho and sam.
I thought that there play was really good and exxagerated, I love how sam and rania were looking on each side i will give both of them an excellent . Kiyara was also very good but she could acted more i will give her an executive  Hyeonho was good preforming as a girl since he was a boy so i will gove him a excellent

Jenna, Rithan, Monica and Bassel:
I think that their group was good but it could be less violent. I would give Jenna a substantial mark because she didn't exxagerate a lot. Bassel i would give also a substantial mark because he was exxagerating. Rithan was also hood but he would get an adequate because he wasnt as exxagerative. Monica was also good but she could have had a substantial mark.

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