Tuesday 25 October 2016

drama reflection

what skills do you feel you have developed in this unit?
In this unit for drama i feel that i have been more confident and i have worked better i have been improving on communicating with my team and working collaboratively. I have learnt more about editing videos and how you can make them better so you will get a higher mark.

What were your greatest success in this unit?
in my opinion i feel that my greatest success was the silent movie because i have learnt how to express feelings without any words.

how did each group member contribute to the portrayal of you story?
We all worked very well in a group, we were all organised and thought creativity to make it better. we could have discussed a bit more to make the play better and worked on with more thought

Do you think television/film can change the way we see the world?
yes i d think that television/film can change the way we see the world because there are many edits that you can add to make your film better and many fictional characters to add so we can imagine different things.

What reaction did your performance get from the audience, and was it expected or planned for ( what was your original objective?)
The audience was very confused of what was happening in the movie and i expected that. I feel if we had edited it better and made the volume better the performance would make a lot more sense.

How can you apply your newly developed skills to other performance work in the rest of this coarse or to another subject?
I can use confidence in any other subject because it is important to me and i have not used confidence in a lot of my subjects. the editing skills are proving bye the day.

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