Tuesday 22 March 2016

Peer evaluation

Ricardo, Amone, Sam, Hynho, and Mohammed Khaled are presenting a PowerPoint about woodwen.  They all did a PowerPoint mohammed did it about the clarinet. He told us how to play it and about it ( background information) Amone did it about the bassoon, he told us who made it but it didn't give lots of information such as how you should hold it and how is it used. Henho did the oboe, there was not a lot of information. Ricardo did the ocarina, he had information even though he did not give a power point but he used his prior knowledgeable, he told us by who it was made. Sam did the flute he told us how to use it and what are they made out of. They all could have been more confident. for the final grade i would give them a 5.
Akhansh's,  team did their project about the procaution family was an amazing project because they had confidence in themselves and lots of information. they knew exactly what they were talking about and shared it all with the class
The level that I would give them is a 7 which is excellent
 Rania, Monica, Kiyara and harang did their power point. it was very detailed and they have used confidence in themselves, they had lots of eye contact. their video was als good because it was  not too fast, which meant that they were able to read it all but still summerize it. the total grade that i would give them is 7-8 excellent

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