Tuesday 8 March 2016

Art reflection

i have learnt how to make a mask using many different layers to make a nose or a mouth. i have learnt many different things during my rotation from drama to art and now music i have also learnt how to work in a group collaboratively. i leant how many different masks come from many different places and they all have a story behind it. new words that i have learnt is montages and texture. yes i have l learnt different many different ways of thinking critically. in drama we learnt how to use emotions in acting and in art how to make a mask in a different ways than I usually did. yes because when i was doing masks in different cultures. 2 i have developed my communicating skills in art and creativity in my work. i have used techniques to perform power points like talking with emotions and loudly so everyone can hear me. i did these pieces of art because I enjoyed doing them. the purpose of the masks was because we wanted to see different stories behind masks and what do they mean. I demonstrated it by using different ways to capture the eye of the audience and make them see what i see. the reason i did this is because its fun to do. the purpose of this work is to discover many things and learn many things. the unit was about our identity. this unit does relate to me because we have to learn about our selves and what made us this way, that includes my culture. we have did movement in drama. social: i have worked effectively with others in group works. in my group we had to make masks but i was absent on that day so i did it by myself but i still have communicated with my class when i presented it self management: my copy book was organised and all my work that i did in class. and i can work independently with work that i get assigned. research: i have researched a lot about masks because we had to make w power point about it. i also did research in henri mattise's work of art to make another power point about his amazing work of art .

1 comment:

  1. You are required to upload all the work completed during the art lesson along with the relfections
