Sunday 25 September 2016

Reflection on melodrama play


I think that my group and i worked well together to make it a good and amplify the play. We each had different expressions to match the character we played as. We also had the movements to show what kind of characters  we are. we could improve on making the play more realistic; for example if the girl in the real play is played by a boy then the boy could change his voice more and have a bit more of a movement. If we added costumes it would make the play efficient. altogether i think the we all did an amazing job working as a group 

Monday 19 September 2016

melodrama characters

Melodrama Characters 

The first one that i have decided to choose is the damsel in distress because there is always someone that is saved by a hero because the villain took her and find a way to destroy her or whatever the villain desires. I have chosen to wear a dress that i wore from the graduation party last year, because the ladies are usually in dresses or clothes that attract the others. there poses are usually happy in the beginning or the end so i have decided to do one of those scenes. 

the reason i have chosen a superhero to be in one of my 3 melodrama stock characters is because i believe that in every story there must be someone to save the day and make it a happy ending. Superheroes come in many different shapes and sizes, i decided to wear a batman shirt because he is one of the most dominated superheroes, the cape is my mums abaya, i used that because I had nothing else to put as a cape and make it more realistic. The position that i have chosen was to look up into the sky/held my chin up high, with my hand on my hip and puff my chest.

The villain is one of my chosen characters, i chose a villain because superheroes usually appear if there is a crime, and those are usually made by the villains. For costume i was wearing another long black abaya, i used vampire teeth to make it look that i am a scary person, the fingers are from a witch costume that i have used for Halloween. The was on my side for this position so i can cover myself with my cape, I pointed my fingers from my right hand to show my fingers and the other hand to hold the cape, I believe that villain do that to hide themselves or people.

Tuesday 6 September 2016

Year 8 Drama

MYP: Melodrama
Key concept: Relationships
Related concept: Audience, expression and presentation 
Global Concept: Fairness and development 
Statement of inquiry: A hero saves the day in melodrama to ensure that justice and peace will overrule the destroying plans of evildoers 
Inquiry question: 
Conceptual :Will the hero always destroy the evil plan of the villain to save the day? Will melodrama always have a happy ending? 
Debatable: Must all stories have a happy ending? Will good always win against evil? How can the world become a better and more peaceful environment for all?